The Challenge



For June 2024’s challenge we have provided a set of FREE PROMPTS. Inspired by themes, textures, patterns, color palettes & more, the founders have created a set of printable TABS to aid in your 5 minute challenge. They’re available NOW, sign up to get the hi-res downloadable now via the button below.

the 5 minute challenge is an idea born to fill a need. it is QUICK. to the point. dirty. ugly. unrelenting. It is 300 seconds of creativity from start to finish. it is HARD. but it’s meant to be, because it is REWARDING.

It is the opportunity to show up for YOU. to show up for your ART. & to show up for your art PRACTICE.

>>>The founders take part in the challenge every time it comes around & you are greatly encouraged to partake as well.
It’s not even part of the paid subscription, but is free & open via instagram & the facebook group.

There is no sign up. No one is holding you accountable. No one is getting a prize.

The reward is that you showed up. you did it. you accomplished something!

It’s the chance for you to dedicate & allow space & time for your creativity.

It works like this… right before open enrollment, for 2 weeks, you create art for 5 minutes a day. 14 days in a row. Set a timer.
Any art. Any medium. Any way.
Should you be interested in a little comradery, you can post to instagram your pieces, finished or unfinished (YAY! ugly art!) & use the hashtag #tuac5minchallenge. Tiff, Kristin & DeeDee will see you, see your art, & leave some love.
We are here for the JOURNEY.

Visit this youtube playlist for past 5 minute challenge bits by the founders.

or search the hashtag on instagram.